Every year, Canada is losing an estimated CAD$100 billion in Food Waste, and that doesn’t include the Food Recalls. If we extrapolate to the global economy, the annual losses in Food&Beverage Industry are estimated to trillions. Not only that this has a massive impact on profitability and raises the food prices by more than 10%, but the effect on the global ecosystem is dramatic. Simply put, the sustainability of our food sources is at risk.
While these ‘black holes’ can have many and complex root causes, there’s one that stands apart: an erratic Supply Chain, disconnected and reactive, which is responsible for many systemic issues throughout the industry.
Can you imagine the change that a connected and harmonious Supply Chain can make?
nutriSCOPE is a platform built to do exactly that: Supply Chain Orchestration Peer-to-peer Ecosystem (SCOPE). It is a Business Network for Food Industry, a collaboration platform for Food Safety, Traceability and Sustainability. It is the antidote for Food Recalls, and the vaccine for Food Waste.
Who benefits from using nutriSCOPE?
- Brand management
- Product specifications brief (requirements)
- Packaging specifications
- Product sourcing
- Product declarations and claims
- Product labeling
- Publish and share product data
- Supply chain management
- Vendor/plant/product compliance
- Discover, connect, collaborate with customers, vendors
- Raw material management (ingredients catalog, ingredient sourcing)
- Product master data (allergen, nutrition, formula, ingredients, etc)
- Product certifications, laboratory analysis
- Product labeling
- Publish and share product data
- Plant/Line management
- Supply chain management
- Supplier/plant/raw material compliance
- Discover, connect, collaborate with customers, suppliers
- Create traceability data (batch/lot, case)
- Create and maintain product master data
- Product certifications, laboratory analysis
- Publish and share product data
- Supply chain management
- Discover, connect, collaborate and with partners, customers
- Create traceability data (batch/lot, case)
- Product management
- Product compliance
- Vendor compliance
- Supply chain management
- Discover, connect, collaborate with partners
- Publish product data
- Broadcast marketing, sales etc
- Maintain and grow consumer loyalty
- Maintain consumer profile (specialty foods, diets etc)
- Product discovery per consumer profile / templates
- Check product extended data (beyond label, in store)
- Favourite products
- Product enquiries
- Receive product notifications (recalls, sale)